Driving while tired or exhausted is dangerous and is one of the leading causes of death on Australian roads, emphasising the significance of fatigue management. Driver weariness or a fatigue-related crash is six times more common in night shift drivers. Long-distance truck drivers are an outstanding example of this.
The integration of Radius Telematics with the Logmaster System presents an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to elevate their fatigue management practices. By synergizing telematics insights with the comprehensive capabilities of the Logmaster EWD, businesses can achieve enhanced safety, streamlined operations, and regulatory compliance.
Effortless Compliance with Radius Logmaster:
Your Ultimate Electronic Work Diary Solution

Seamless Reporting:
Radius Logmaster revolutionizes reporting by providing a comprehensive electronic work diary. Generating reports becomes a breeze with real-time information available at your fingertips, businesses can now enjoy a comprehensive overview of driver shifts, rest periods, and operational status.
The synergy between telematics and Logmaster ensures accurate records, eliminating uncertainties and enabling swift, informed decisions.
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Automated logbook processing:
Our Logmaster system is designed to save your business time and money. Leveraging the integrated Radius Logmaster EWD, telematics-equipped fleets can effortlessly maintain compliance with regulations.
As the telematics system gathers data on driver behaviour and vehicle performance, the Logmaster EWD seamlessly records this information, ensuring adherence to rest and work-hour regulations. The result? Automated compliance, reduced administrative burdens, and minimized risk of violations.
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Holistic Efficiency:
With Radius Logmaster and telematics working in tandem, businesses experience a holistic boost in efficiency. Telematics technology provides real-time insights into driver fatique, route optimization, and vehicle health.
These invaluable metrics seamlessly integrate into the Logmaster EWD, offering a comprehensive overview of operations. This integration enables proactive management, allowing businesses to optimize routes, reduce fuel consumption, and maximize uptime.
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Secure Cloud-Based Technology:
Rest easy knowing that your electronic work diary records are securely stored on the cloud with Radius Logmaster. Say goodbye to the risks of loss or destruction that come with traditional methods.
Access your records from any location, at any time, providing unmatched convenience. The cloud-based system ensures that your records are consistently accurate and automatically updated.
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